Good vs Bad Marketing!

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Marketing, per se, is neither good nor bad according to Simon Sinek.

It is simply the way a company speaks to us.

People use their mouths, companies use marketing.

It is objective. However, how companies choose to speak to us is another story.

What are you looking for in a Marketing company?


Good marketing offers us a view of the world.

Bad marketing offers you a product to buy.


Good marketing speaks for us.

Bad marketing speaks at us.


Good marketing starts with a cause.

Bad marketing starts with a goal.


Good marketing drives loyalty.

Bad marketing drives transactions.


Good marketing promotes values.

Bad marketing values promotions.


Good marketing tells us exactly what a company really thinks.

Bad marketing tells us what the company thinks they want us to think they think.


Good marketing seduces.

Bad marketing targets.


Good marketing never mentions price.

Bad marketing always mentions price.


Good marketing uses the products to help tell a story.

Bad marketing tells stories about products.


Good marketing is about us.

Bad marketing is about them.


Bad marketing manipulates.

Good marketing inspires.


How do you market to your customers?


How do you want a business to market your business?


Emineo Media

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