Many people have a negative attitude towards video blogging. They understand it as a person talking directly at a camera and explaining a strong opinion. Yes, that is video blogging—but not the only kind. Like a written blog, a video blog can be about anything and presented any way you choose.
A video blog is simply an online video documenting something that you want to communicate. It can be used to highlight the following…
- An interview of the commercial director and/or employees giving information about the company.
- A tour of business’ offices/plant/farm/lab explaining how things work.
- Somebody reporting and offering opinions on contemporary news.
- Reviews of a product, or demonstrations of company products.
- Something funny, wacky and shareable.
So, what’s the point of blogging? Here are five ways a video blog can boost your brand.
1. Video blogs humanize your company and give your consumers a face to relate to your business. That means that your corporate identity is more approachable—and a more approachable business usually leads to more sales and results in increased consumer trust and brand awareness.
2. Video makes potentially boring content interesting. People are lazy; many choose to watch a video over reading a post just because it’s easier to do. By communicating with your target audience through speech and image rather than text, you are making it easier for them to engage with you.
3. Video blogging gives you the opportunity to engage and interact with your audience. Social media is a great tool for businesses to use to constantly remind consumers of your presence and get feedback from your clients.
4. A video blog demonstrates that your company is web-savvy. If the content is engaging and interesting you will always have people watching it. Remember, if you do it right, consumers will share it and promote your brand for you!
5. Video blogs show that your business is keeping up with technology. With the-ever improving internet connections, more people are watching videos online, whenever they want, and from wherever they want, such as their smartphones. Video blogging lets you stay in touch with technology and create something that is accessible to your audience whenever and wherever they want.
Remember: Your content does not have to center around your brand. It can be about anything you think is interesting or you think others will find interesting.
Still not sold on the fact that video blogging is great for your brand? The following stats may change your mind:
- comScore report that in the US, 182 million internet users watched online video content for an average of 23.2 hours per viewer during just one month. That number is predicted to continue rising.
- Marketers used video 81% more they used to and 52% of marketers report to using video with email marketing programs.
- SEOMoz found that posts that contain videos are three times more likely to attract in-linking domains than a plain text post.
- KISSmetric’s blog reported that folks who have viewed a product video are 64% to 85% more likely to purchase the product after watching.
Source MyDailyFix